طابع ـ مهر زننده بر دلها ـ به پایه ای از پایه های عرش آویخته است، پس هرگاه حرمتی شکسته شد و خطایی جاری گشت [پیامبر خدا صلی الله علیه و آله]
یادداشتهای یک معلم

present progressive Tense
زمان حال استمراری
برای بیان عملی که درزمان حال ادامه دارد از این زمان استفاده می کنیم. قیود زیر معرف زمان حال استمراری هستند و عملی را بطور موقت نشان می دهند.

at the moment

در این لحظه



at present

در حال حاضر

for the time being



1) Fariborz ……….football now.
a) was playing
b) is playing
c) had played
d) has played
2) Be quiet ! The baby…………..
a) sleeps
b) was sleeping
c) has slept
d) is sleeping
3) Don’t disturb him now he…...
a) was working
b) is working
c) worked
d) has worked
4) I …..….with Jack and John at the moment.
a) was living
b) lived
c) am living
d) have lived

... جملات مجهول / اسامی غیر قابل شمارش

جملات مجهول
اگر فاعل جمله بصورت شیئی باشد در آخر جمله مجهول آنرا با یکی از حروف اضافه
With , in
می نویسیم

1)The room was filled …. smoke.
a) by
b) with
c) at
d) on
2) The lock was covered… paint.
a) with
b) by
c) at
d) on
3) Pepper was contained .…the food.
a) with
b) in
c) at
d) by
4) The sea was polluted……..oil.
a) by
b) on
c) with
d) in

Money , Homework
یک اسم غیرقابل شمارش است وباید با فعل
مفرد بکاررو.د ولی دلار ، مارک ، ریال و.... قابل شمارش است

1)A lot of money… to be spent on repairs to the house.
a) is needed
b) need
c) are needed
d) has needed
2) How much homework… by the students?
a) are done
b) is done
c) is doing
d) are doing

3) How many dollars………….on educational programs?
a) should spend
b) spend
c) are spending
d) should be spent

یکی از چهار گزینه از نظر دستوری غلط است.
4)How much homework should do by the student?
3)should do

ضمایر انعکاسی - تاکیدی
ضمایر انعکاسی عبارتند از :
My self---> our selves
Your self---> your selves
Him self , her self , it self ---> them selves

1)The house …..is beautiful, but the surroundings are rather unpleasant.
a) myself
b) itself
c) ourselves
d) himself
2)My mother told me,“Take care of … when you are climbing the mountain.”
a) myself
b) ourselves
c) yourselves
d) yourself
3) “Be careful and take care of….. when you are crossing the street”. my mother told us.
a) yourself
b) herself
c) your selves
d) myself
4) we protect………from the rain with an umbrella.
a) myself
b) ourselves
c) himself
d) herself


ضمایر موصولی
Relative pronouns
ضمیر موصولی ای می باشد که حالت مالکیت را بیان می کند.





اسم مورد تملک

1) The children… painting won a prize were given ten pounds each.
a) who
b) that
c) what
d) whose
2)The writer….works are always admired by people all over the world is William Shakespeare.
a) whose
b) whom
c) which
d) who
3) Amin……....father works in this department store is in our class.
a) that
b) which
c) whose
d) whom
4) The man over there,…....name I don’t remember is an artist.
a) who
b) whose
c) whom
d) that


ضمایر موصولی
ضمیر موصولی است که مرجع آن شخصی است در حالت فاعلی






1) The writer….. has written this interesting story is very famous.
a) whose
b) whom
c) which
d) who
2) The mechanic..… is repairing the car is his friend.
a) whose
b) whom
c) who
d) which
3) I don’t like people….…….lose their tempers easily.
a) whom
b) who
c) whose
d) which
4) The man …….telephoned you lives in this house.
a) whose
b) whom
c) who
d) which

ضمایر موصولی

مرجع آن شخصی است در حالت مفعولی






1)The boy… you were quarreling with is my cousin.
a) whose
b) whom
c) which
d) what
2) The lady …. I expected hasn’t come in yet.
a) whose
b) which
c) whom
d) what
3) The boy ………... I invited has blue eyes.
a) whose
b) which
c) where
d) whom
4) The man ……..they employed has blue eyes.
a) whose
b) whom
c) which
d) when

ضمایر موصولی
شیئی ویا حیوان می باشد هم در حالت فاعلی و هم در حالت مفعولی

شیئ یا حیوان




فعل یا فاعل


1) The car……. was taking us to the airport broke down.
a) which
b) who
c) whose
d) whom
2)The ladder on... I was standing began to slip.
a) whose
b) where
c) which
d) that
3)The cars….were fixed yesterday are over there.
a) which
b) who
c) where
d) who me
4)The letter…..….he has written is in his room.
a) who
b) whom
c) which
d) whose

ضمایر موصولی
اگر بعد از ضمایر موصولی
Who , which , that
یک فعل
To be
قرار گرفته باشد در صورت حذف ضمایر موصولی فعل
To be
بعد از آن هم باید حذف شود.
Who are playing---> playing
Who was injured---> injured

1) The boys…..…football are my friends.
a) play
b) playing
c) plays
d) are playing
2)The man…in the accident was taken to hospital.
a) who injured
b) injured
c) whom injured
d) that injured
3)The picture…….yesterday is over there.
a) was drawing
b) drawn
c) were drawn
d) which was drawing

... no / any / ضمایر ملکی

No , Any
در جملاتی بکار می رود که در آنها
Not , Never
وجود نداشته باشد
در جملاتی بکار می رود که در آنها
Not , Never
وجود داشته باشد
بعد از
No , Any
هم اسم قابل شمارش جمع قرار می گیرد وهم اسم غیر قابل شمارش مفرد

1) There is …paper on the desk.
a) any
b) few
c) many
2) There aren’t…students in the classroom.
a) no
b) any
c) some
d) much
3) A: “Did anybody telephone me in the morning?
B: “No , ….telephoned you in the morning.”
a) everybody
b) somebody
c) any body
d) nobody
4)John wanted to buy a new car but he didn’t have …….money.
a) any
b) no
c) some
d) many

ضمایر ملکی
possessive Adjective
ضمایر ملکی عبارتند از
Mine---> ours
Yours---> yours
His , Hers , Its ---> theirs
این ضمایر در جمله جانشین اسم+صفت ملکی می شود وبعد از ضمایر ملکی اسم قرار نمی گیرد.

1) when you telephoned, I was talking to a friend of ….....
a ) I
b) myself
c) me
d) mine

2) My car is blue , but ..… is not.
a) your
b) yours
c) you
d) yourself
3) A: “ Are these your pens?”
B: “ No,…..are blue.”
a) our
b) us
c) we
d) ours
4) A:“Is this your brother’s umbrella?”
B: “ No,…..is on the table.”
a) my
b) mine
c) him
d) his

ضمایر مفعولی
objective pronouns
بعد از فعل از ضمایر مفعولی اشتفاده می کنیم و عبارتند از
Me---> us
You---> us
Him , her , it ---> them

1) Mary and her sister are my best friends.I respect……..very much.
a) they
b) themselves
c) theirs
d) them
2) Our grandfather told John and..… an interesting story.
a) I
b) me
c) myself
d) mine
3)The man charged…five dollars.
a) I
b) mine
c) myself
d) me
4)He wished…..a pleasant journey.
a) we
b) us
c) our
d) ourselves

« کاربرد ضمیر مفعولی بعد از حرف اضافه »
بعد از حرف اضافه از ضمیر مفعولی استفاده می کنیم.

1)It is cold . Take your coat with yourself.
کدام گزینه از نظر دستوری اشتباه است
a) It
b) Take
c) with
d) yourself
2) I took my brother out with…. to do some shopping.
a) I
b) me
c) mine
d) myself
3) He doesn’t go near dogs because he is afraid………….
a) of they
b) to them
c) of them
d) them to
4) “What was the film like?” “It was amusing for………..to watch that film.”
a) I
b) me
c) my
d) mine

حرف تعریف معین
قبل از قسمتی از روز از حرف تعریف
استفاده می کنیم.
In the morning , in the evening , in the afternoon
قبل از صفات کلکی و با روزهای هفته حرف تعریف
استفاده نمی کنیم.
On monday

1) Our grandfather often says his prayers early in… morning.
a) a
b) an
c) ___
d) the
2) My mother will meet….…my English teacher on… Monday.
a) _ / _
b) the / the
c) _ / the
d) the / _
3) They arrived in Tehran in…… afternoon.
a) __
b) the
c) a
d) an
4) They haven’t seen each other since……..March.
a) the
b) a
c) ___
d) an

حرف تعریف
بــا اسامی اشخاص و کشورها و همچنین ماههــای نمی‌آید.theسال وفصول و روزهای هفته حرف تعریف

1) They haven’t seen each other since …. March.
a) the
b) a
c) an
d) __
2) I have come to see……..Jack and his family.
a) a
b) __
c) the
d) an
3) They arrived in ……Tehran in the morning.
a) the
b) a
c) an
d) __
4) Which sentence is grammatically wrong ?
a) I didn’t listen to the news last night.
b) we get heat from the sun.
c)I have come here to see the Mary.
d) write this sentence on the blackboard.

ساختار صفت بعد از فعل
To be
به ساختار زیر توجه کنید



فعل to be




مفعول با for


فعل با to


1) A: “What was the film like?” B: “It was boring to me to watch that film.
کدام گزینه از نظر دستوری غلط است.
a) was
b) like
c) to
d) to watch
2) Is it possible ……. to read a book in a dark room?
a) for he
b) to him
c) for him
d) to he
3) It is not difficult for a good student………..good marks.
a) get
b) to get
c) getting
d) got
4) Which sentence is grammatically right ?
a) It is easy for he to find a job.
b) It is important be on time.
c) It is necessary for him to stand in line.
d) It is safe to him swimming in this river.

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